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Message Digest Volume 28 : Issue 35 : "text" Format Messages in this Issue: Re: 'Foul play' suspected in Tucson Super Bowl porn feed Re: Local Police Want Right to Jam Wireless Signals Re: Local Police Want Right to Jam Wireless Signals Re: Local Police Want Right to Jam Wireless Signals Re: Local Police Want Right to Jam Wireless Signals ====== 27 years of TELECOM Digest -- Founded August 21, 1981 ====== Telecom and VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Digest for the Internet. All contents here are copyrighted by Patrick Townson and the individual writers/correspondents. Articles may be used in other journals or newsgroups, provided the writer's name and the Digest are included in the fair use quote. By using -any name or email address- included herein for -any- reason other than responding to an article herein, you agree to pay a hundred dollars to the recipients of the email. =========================== Addresses herein are not to be added to any mailing list, nor to be sold or given away without explicit written consent. Chain letters, viruses, porn, spam, and miscellaneous junk are definitely unwelcome. We must fight spam for the same reason we fight crime: not because we are naive enough to believe that we will ever stamp it out, but because we do not want the kind of world that results when no one stands against crime. Geoffrey Welsh =========================== See the bottom of this issue for subscription and archive details and the name of our lawyer, and other stuff of interest. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 02 Feb 2009 21:31:10 -0800 From: Steven Lichter <> To: Subject: Re: 'Foul play' suspected in Tucson Super Bowl porn feed Message-ID: <AEQhl.21969$> Monty Solomon wrote: > UPDATED: 'Foul play' suspected in Tucson Super Bowl porn feed > > By Brian J. Pedersen > ARIZONA DAILY STAR > > The pornographic content that interrupted thousands of local Comcast > subscribers' Super Bowl broadcast was the result of an "isolated > malicious act," a company spokeswoman said Monday. > > But company officials have yet to determine how that act was > committed, spokeswoman Kelle Maslyn said, though any sort of > equipment malfunction has been ruled out. [Moderator snip] Years ago when cable was just getting started something like that happened in Palm Springs. It was very late on a Sunday night, the cable tech shut the system off for the night, yes it was not 24 hours. He then put a porn tape on, what he forgot to do was shut off the cable transmitter. For 3o minutes the tape was shown on the cable system, nothing was said until the tape ended, then the police switchboards went nuts. We were in the telephone office and at that time of the night you could hear a pin drop; even with step. When that happened the first thing we thought was something major had happened, like an A-bomb in LA. We went to the switch and heard what was going on, really got a laugh from that. The tech was shown the door. -- The Only Good Spammer is a Dead one!! Have you hunted one down today? (c) 2009 I Kill Spammers, Inc. A Rot In Hell Co. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2009 10:33:42 -0500 From: "MC" <> To: Subject: Re: Local Police Want Right to Jam Wireless Signals Message-ID: <vpZhl.399$> If jamming technology becomes common, it will be easier for hostage-takers and other criminals to jam the cellphones of their victims to keep them from calling for help. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2009 11:05:45 -0600 (CST) From: John Mayson <> To: Subject: Re: Local Police Want Right to Jam Wireless Signals Message-ID: <> I think this is another case of someone in government making a decision without understand anything about the technology being used. When I went through training dealing with potential bombs one of the most important rules was to turn off all transmitting devices including cell phones, two-way radios, two-ways pagers, wifi devices, etc. The RF could potentially set off the bomb. I can't even fathom wanting to come in with a jammer. I think "T", "hancock4", and Bill all have valid points. On one hand you would have to block off the entire spectrum because any RF device could be used as a trigger. While cell phones have moved away from the 800 MHz band, pagers haven't. And VHF pagers are still used and there are law enforcement agencies still on VHF. But I understand Bill's point too. Bombers aren't all mad geniuses. They're going to use what worked before and a cell phone is less conspicuous than, say, a scanner or two-way radio. So perhaps jamming the cell phone band would nullify 99% of the bombs out there, assuming the jammer itself doesn't set the bomb off. While it's true someone could design a bomb that responded to a code and not the RF energy itself, I am reminded of a friend who set his GSM phone on his paper shredder and when the network polled his phone it turned on the shredder. I'm also of the mindset that 9/11 was a fluke and we're jumping at our own shadows. Jamming cell phones isn't going to help public safety, all it'll do is let the cat out of the bag cell phone use will become the next smoking/non-smoking battle, more than it already is. John -- John Mayson <> Austin, Texas, USA ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 03 Feb 2009 20:52:25 GMT From: "Tony Toews \[MVP\]" <> To: Subject: Re: Local Police Want Right to Jam Wireless Signals Message-ID: <> Dave Garland <> wrote: >Such jamming ("blocking" would be shielding the building so that radio >waves could not enter or exit, which might be a useful thing to do to >prisons) That isn't how jamming works. It's not a copper shield around the entire building. It works by swamping your RF reception with it's own signals on the same frequency. So that your device hears the jammer rather than the cell tower. Which is why, for example, a directional antenna would likely bypass such a jammer. Although if the directional antenna is very close to the jammer it too would be swamped. Now a directional antenna would, presumably, be difficult to smuggle into and hide in a prison. Although Johnny Cash's One Piece At A Time song about the 1949-1973 car comes to mind. <smile> Tony -- Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can read the entire thread of messages. Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at Tony's Microsoft Access Blog - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2009 08:54:21 +1100 From: David Clayton <> To: Subject: Re: Local Police Want Right to Jam Wireless Signals Message-ID: <> On Tue, 03 Feb 2009 16:04:28 -0500, Tony Toews [MVP] wrote: ....... > Now a directional antenna would, presumably, be difficult to smuggle > into and hide in a prison. Although Johnny Cash's One Piece At A Time > song about the 1949-1973 car comes to mind. <smile> > Just about anyone with basic RF knowledge can construct directional antennae out of common materials - it is just a matter of how effective and efficient they end up being. It would not be difficult to fabricate something "effective enough" with things that are already in a prison environment with some simple instructions. -- Regards, David. David Clayton Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Knowledge is a measure of how many answers you have, intelligence is a measure of how many questions you have. ***** Moderator's Note ***** And on that positive note, I'll end the thread. Bill Horne Temporary Moderator ------------------------------ TELECOM Digest is an electronic journal devoted mostly to telecom- munications topics. It is circulated anywhere there is email, in addition to Usenet, where it appears as the moderated newsgroup 'comp.dcom.telecom'. TELECOM Digest is a not-for-profit, mostly non-commercial educational service offered to the Internet by Patrick Townson. All the contents of the Digest are compilation-copyrighted. You may reprint articles in some other media on an occasional basis, but please attribute my work and that of the original author. The Telecom Digest is currently being moderated by Bill Horne while Pat Townson recovers from a stroke. Contact information: Bill Horne Telecom Digest 43 Deerfield Road Sharon MA 02067-2301 781-784-7287 bill at horne dot net Subscribe: telecom Unsubscribe: telecom This Digest is the oldest continuing e-journal about telecomm- unications on the Internet, having been founded in August, 1981 and published continuously since then. Our archives are available for your review/research. We believe we are the oldest e-zine/mailing list on the internet in any category! 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