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The Telecom Digest for Thu, 30 Jun 2016
Volume 35 : Issue 97 : "text" format
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Re: Are telephone surveys statistically valid? |
Garrett Wollman |
Re: Are telephone surveys statistically valid? |
Gordon Burditt |
Message-ID: <nkuh7b$nb$1@grapevine.csail.mit.edu>
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2016 18:55:39 +0000 (UTC)
From: wollman@bimajority.org (Garrett Wollman)
Subject: Re: Are telephone surveys statistically valid?
In article <barmar-958F99.10375127062016@88-209-239-213.giganet.hu>,
Barry Margolin <barmar@alum.mit.edu> wrote:
>In article <nkmg1f$pof$1@grapevine.csail.mit.edu>,
> wollman@bimajority.org (Garrett Wollman) wrote:
>> Of course you could argue it another way: they are "statistically
>> valid" by construction, the only question is whether the population
>> being sampled is sufficiently similar to the population of interest to
>> allow for generalization.
>If I were them, I'd compare the surveyed population with the US census,
>which is about as accurate a description of the US population as likely
That is exactly what they do do, as a part of the reweighting process.
This does however mean that the effect of sampling error is magnified
for some demographic groups, depending on how poorly those groups are
represented in the sample.
Garrett A. Wollman | What intellectual phenomenon can be older, or more oft
wollman@bimajority.org| repeated, than the story of a large research program
Opinions not shared by| that impaled itself upon a false central assumption
my employers. | accepted by all practitioners? - S.J. Gould, 1993
Message-ID: <Faudnd7CkfGB1u7KnZ2dnUU7-YfNnZ2d@posted.internetamerica>
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2016 23:14:20 -0500
From: gordonb.b8q5b@burditt.org (Gordon Burditt)
Subject: Re: Are telephone surveys statistically valid?
>> Of course you could argue it another way: they are "statistically
>> valid" by construction, the only question is whether the population
>> being sampled is sufficiently similar to the population of interest to
>> allow for generalization.
I don't think that is possible unless survey participation is
mandated at gunpoint. And in such a survey, you won't get accurate
opinions about gun control. I don't think "statistically valid by
construction" exists. There are way more dimensions to people than
age, sex, and race, and maybe religion, and it's easy to match
someone in these but be on opposite sides of an issue (consider
labor union strikes - in any issue related to a strike, it DOES
MATTER whether the person in question is labor (striking union),
labor (another union), management, disgruntled customer, or uninvolved).
(Did you make sure that the sample matches the population in income?
weight? height? education level? number and ages of children?
marital status? number of divorces? employer? personality? job
title? food allergies? gun ownership? number of abortions? drug
use? number of minutes in cell phone plan? favorite sports team?
Internet Service Provider? )
Self-selection is a less blatant problem on satisfaction surveys,
but it is still an issue. Those with extreme views (pro or con)
are more likely to expend more effort making sure their survey is
counted. If the call drops, they'll try again. They'll spend more
effort getting the survey done on an overloaded internet server.
They'll bug tech support for a way around the problem.
Some guy who thinks he has been cheated out of $10 may be willing
to spend $100 to take down the offending merchant (say, by ballot-box
stuffing rating surveys, giving 1-star reviews) even if he's got
no chance of getting his money back.
Any survey can be blatantly ruined by stupidity, and that includes
limiting your view of the population to age, sex, and race. If
self-selection or self-deselection (e.g. hanging up if they hear
the word "survey", or putting that word in their SPAM filter for
email) is correlated to the questions on the survey, you're in
trouble. One of the worst problems is only being able to access
the survey if you have a phone, or internet access, and you are
being asked questions related to phone service or internet service.
> If I were them, I'd compare the surveyed population with the US census,
> which is about as accurate a description of the US population as likely
> exists.
That still doesn't protect you against a HUGE bias caused by the
method you use to conduct the survey. If a self-selection bias is
correlated with the questions on the survey, you've got a problem,
especially if it has nothing to do with age, sex, and race.
Example: if Trump wants to shut down the Internet (and anyone takes
this seriously), and Hillary wants to leave it open, you may well
have a strong bias if you take a poll on the Presidential race over
the Internet. Network neutrality is a similar issue. That's a problem
for Presidential race polls that hasn't existed in the past.
I recall a discussion of some kind of campus-wide student opinion
poll at RPI for some purpose, and it was proposed to do it by phone.
(The internet didn't exist yet) Several problems were listed,
1. Freshmen do not have phones. (True when I was there, and
cell phones were pretty much nonexistent in the early 1970's.
A dorm holding maybe 100 freshmen had 3 pay phones near the
common room. The numbers to call *IN* were known to a few,
and that excluded most freshman dorm residents.) Even today,
a phone poll may not be feasable: presumably most every
student has a cell phone, but is there a phone book of campus
residents? another problem, if the poll were supposed to
represent something beyond the limits of the campus:
2. The female RPI engineering student is so rare less than
half of the sophomore class claims to have seen one, ever.
(Someone actually did a poll on this). Remember, early
1970's. Well, it was easy to stand up in an Electrodynamics
class, look around, and identify a female or two, but if
"engineering student" required "an Engineering Major", you'd
have to approach them with "Hi, what's your major?" and if
male engineering students could do that, they'd be talking
about something else. You also couldn't be sure those females
weren't girlfriends or parents of class members they were
sitting next to and were not enrolled at RPI at all. Well, if
this was supposed to be a campus-wide poll, well, women are
rare, and the survey reflects that. If it was supposed to
predict a national political race, women as voters are NOT
rare, and it's a problem for the survey.
The basic 2010 census didn't ask whether you had a phone or not,
or what kind of phone. Nor did it ask whether you had an indoor
toilet. Nor did it ask whether you are a Democrat or a Republican
or Tea Party or Weed Party. They also didn't ask about sexual
preference, if any, which restroom they used, or what it said on
their birth certificate, if any. It didn't ask if they were a
citizen or were in the USA legally. They might have had longer
forms that asked whether you have a phone, but what they asked on
the basic 2010 census was pretty short, and seemed mostly related
to a total count and distribution of age/sex/race.
The Census may be a great thing for checking that your survey ends
up representing the population by age, sex, and race (whatever sex
and race are - census takers were supposed to encourage people to
give answers on the list, but if they insisted on saying they were
Romulan, take them at their word, and do NOT look at them and try
to guess what they are. If they said they are a woman, write it
down, regardless of how much they look like a man dressed as a
woman.) It doesn't help with political party affiliation. It
doesn't help much with being sure that you are weighting the left
and right "wings" of each party properly. And those "wings" are
multi-dimensional: a person may be a fiscal conservative and liberal
on social issues.
Suppose that about 48% of the population is in favor of the death
penalty for making an unsolicited call for a survey, and 48% is
against it. 4% undecided, (40% for those who don't have a phone)
and it's a dead heat. Suppose you call a whole bunch of people
asking whether they are in favor or against such a law, and whether
they have a phone. What kind of results would you expect to get?
I think you'd end up with, out of the people who actually responded
to the survey, about 20% in favor and 80% against the law, (survey
writers tend to not allow "undecided" as a choice, which I think
is a big mistake, although most political polls seem to allow it)
and about 100.000000% of them have a phone. Of those who hung up,
there might be 80% in favor and 20% against, and 100.000000% of
these people also have a phone, but you don't get survey results
from these people.
That survey got the opinion on the law badly wrong, and missed
entirely the don't-have-a-phone people (yes, it's a very small
number, but not zero, and you might conclude that Lifeline service
was helping everyone that needed it so it doesn't need a bigger
budget). It failed because of sampling bias, but not sampling bias
that checking against the Census could warn you about.
End of telecom Digest Thu, 30 Jun 2016